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An unbelievable amount of books to choose from.

Childrens books, science fiction, phsycology, religion, auto repair, and sooo many more.

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Why is reading so important?

Reading is important for a multitude of reasons, both personal and societal. Here are some of the key reasons why reading is considered essential:

Knowledge Acquisition: Reading is one of the primary ways to acquire knowledge. It provides access to a vast repository of information on nearly every subject imaginable, from history and science to culture and art. Through reading, you can learn from the experiences and discoveries of others.

Improves Vocabulary and Language Skills: Reading exposes you to a wide range of words and sentence structures, which can enhance your vocabulary and language comprehension. This improved language proficiency is valuable in communication, writing, and even in daily life.

Critical Thinking: Reading encourages critical thinking and analysis. When you read, you’re often presented with ideas, arguments, and different perspectives. Evaluating these critically can help you develop your own opinions and reasoning skills.

Enhances Imagination and Creativity: Fiction and imaginative literature stimulate your imagination and creativity. They transport you to different worlds, allowing you to envision scenarios and characters, which can inspire creativity in other aspects of your life.

Stress Reduction: Reading can be a great form of escapism. It allows you to temporarily leave your own worries and immerse yourself in another world, reducing stress and promoting relaxation.

Empathy and Understanding: Reading literature, particularly fiction, enables you to step into the shoes of characters from diverse backgrounds and experiences. This can foster empathy and a deeper understanding of different cultures, perspectives, and human emotions.

Lifelong Learning: Reading is a lifelong activity that promotes continuous learning. It encourages curiosity and the pursuit of knowledge throughout your life, which can lead to personal growth and development.

Improved Focus and Concentration: In our age of constant distractions, reading requires sustained focus and concentration. Regular reading can help train your mind to stay attentive for longer periods.


Don Quixote book sales

1.2 Million Words

Longest Novel / In Search of Lost Time

$30 Million USD

Most Expensive / The Codex Leicester

5+ Billion

The most printed book / The Bible

Location & Hours

1526 E Lincoln Ave, Orange, CA 92865

Monday – Saturday 11am – 5pm